Banks and Government

Automated Budgets and Income Statement every month for Medium to Large sized Business

… Designed by a CPA to help Grow your Business

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We provide Automated Budgets and Income Statement for your Medium to Large sized clients to help them grow their business.   

If they are not already running Monthly Management Meetings, we explain why this is important.  By doing this, we help clients solve problems on a monthly basis rather than waiting until the end of the year when they talk to their Tax Accountant.   

Our reports are designed in an easy-to-read format with comparisons to last year every month.   These summary reports are very helpful when applying for finance their Bank.  We have designed our Bank Application product the Exemplar 6-Pager(TM) to provide everything you need as a Bank to provide funding to your client.

As a premium service, we provide Medium to Large sized clients with automated budgets, cashflows and Income Statements which are tailored to their organisation.  This information is not tampered with by the client.  It is extrapolated from their data-bases and multiple data sources to ensure independent information that cannot be manipulated. 

Information Provided to the Bank  

1.  Tailored to the requirements of each individual Bank

2.  Independent Sources – including audited accounts and detailed commentary about the Business

3.  The Report is Standard across all your clients, so your staff will know what they are looking at

4.  It includes KPIs that are necessary for Banks to make a decision

Benefits to the Bank and Government Departments

  • Clients do not have to fill in pages and pages of information for finance applications
  • If there is a discrepancy, you contact Exemplar, not the client
  • You get access to a dedicated Account Manager
  • The relationship with the client automatically improves – you are providing them with a unique benefit
  • Data is sourced independently of the client, so the Risk Assessment of the client is improved
  • We do not work with All Banks – this is an exclusive arrangement to a maximum of 20 Banks across Australia
  • You will have a unique advantage against your competitors
  • You will receive significant income for this opportunity, which is a zero cost arrangement
  • The cost is per transaction to the client which is low and affordable to the client – a small percentage is payable to Exemplar, you keep the balance 

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